Soil Moisture Analyzer Analysis of Soil Moisture in Mixed Use of Agricultural Grassland in Loess Area

The utilization structure of land will affect the circulation of soil moisture, nutrients, organisms and various substances. Soil moisture, which is an important point in soil moisture, is a process of soil erosion and a key factor in the growth and ecological environment construction. Soil moisture is critical to the evaluation of land. Soil moisture content on the slope of the Loess Plateau is the main limiting factor for plant growth and vegetation restoration. Its spatial variability is the basis for rational vegetation allocation and improvement of soil reservoir efficiency. Therefore, the determination of soil moisture generally requires the use of more accurate instruments such as soil moisture recorders for analysis.

The trial was conducted at the Shenmu Erosion and Environment Experimental Station of the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The area is located in the Liudaogou small watershed 14km west of Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province, and is bordered by the Great Wall in the north. It is located at the edge of the Muwusu Desert and belongs to the water-wind erosion rift in the Loess Plateau. Belt's strong erosion center. The basin area of ​​6189km2, longitude 110b26c, and northern latitude 38b49c are typical semi-arid areas with an average dryness of 118, annual precipitation of 250-450mm, and 6-9 months can account for 70%-80% of annual precipitation. The annual average evaporation capacity is 78514mm. The landform type in the area is loess hills covered with sand and sand. The main soil types are cotton sand, hard loess, red soil, aeolian sandy soil, and dam silt. Vegetation types belong to the shrub grassland type. Most of the natural vegetation has been destroyed and artificial Remediation has now gradually entered the stage of vegetation succession dominated by S. bungeana-P. acerifolia, A. dauribrensis, Artemisia and Caragana.

The soil was sampled on April 18-20, 2007 and sweated on June 17th, 2008, and June 17th, 2008 (Rossin, sampling the previous rainfall was 70mm). The depth of the layer was taken every 5 ton, and the depth of the 10}60 an soil layer was taken every 10 ton. The soil moisture content was measured by the drying method (105e, 10 h). Agricultural land management is the general field crop management; grassland vegetation is the first of the 35 36 36 years of land reclamation, and is basically degraded to S. bungeana. At the same time, portable GPS and compass are used to determine the terrain factors such as slope, aspect and altitude of each sample.

By comparing the data obtained after soil moisture measurement with the related instruments such as the soil moisture recorder and other related instruments, it was found that there was a moderate variation in the soil moisture under the mixed slope of the specific agricultural grass in the loess hilly region. Strong rainfall will significantly smooth the spatial differences in soil moisture. Diversification of land use patterns on slopes has increased the coefficient of variation of soil moisture, and land use structure change has become one of the most critical factors leading to soil moisture variation.

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